Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Flying Lotus

Man, I have been digging Flying Lotus for a couple years now but shit, his name keeps popping up. His latest "Cosmogramma" I dl'd a couple weeks ago and then in Streetlight today, I decided to purchase it as well. It's just so dope I wanted to listen to it on the way home in Becca's car. It combines 8-bit, electronica, hip hop, r/b, indie pop...just everything. And it flows seamlessly throughout the entire album. By the time it ends it's just one of those "whoa what? I thought we were still on the first track." I will definitely be bumping it in my car wherever I go.

Becca did not think it was that great. But then when I put in Frog Eyes' latest, she said he sounded like a wannabe meatloaf. Talk about disappointment...

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